HHCRO Grant Funding
Home Heating Cost Reduction ObligationThe Home Heating Cost Reduction Obligation (HHCRO) scheme, also known as ‘Affordable Warmth’, provides funding to help eligible people reduce the cost of heating their home through the installation of energy efficient measures.
If you own your own home, or are in private rented accommodation, and are in receipt of any of the following benefits you will qualify for HHCRO funding:
- You claim state pension credit
- You claim child tax credit and your household income is below £15,860
- You claim either income-based job seeker’s allowance, income related employment and support allowance (ESA) or income support in addition to meeting at least one of the following criteria:
- You claim a disabled child premium
- You have parental responsibility for a child under 16 who lives at the property
- You have parental responsibility for a child who is over 16, but is under 20, who lives at the property and is in full time education other than higher education
- You claim a pension premium, higher pension premium or enhanced pension premium
- You are in receipt of child tax credit which includes either a disability or severe disability element
- You claim a disability premium, enhanced disability premium or severe disability premium
- You receive a work related activity or support component (only valid if you also claim ESA)
You claim working tax credit where your household income is below £15,860 and you meet at least one of the following criteria:
- You have parental responsibility for a child under 16 who lives at the property
- You have parental responsibility for a child who is over 16, but is under 20, who lives at the property and is in full time education other than higher education
- You claim a disability premium, enhanced disability premium or severe disability premium
- You are aged 60 or over
You claim Universal Credit and if in one month of the preceding twelve, this is at or below a net monthly earned income threshold of £1167 and are responsible for a child or have a disability.
If you would like more information, get in touch. Once we've confirmed that you're eligible for funding we'll arrange for one of our surveyors to survey your home to determine how we can improve your home and reduce your energy bills.
Free, independent and impartial advice about the Green Deal can be obtained through the Energy Saving Advice Service on 0300 123 1234 or Home Energy Scotland on 0808 808 2282.