From retro-fitting tower blocks, converting high-rise offices and delivering programmes involving thousands of properties, we are experts at estate regeneration - breathing new life into tired buildings and neighbourhoods. We repair, renew and redesign homes, transforming them into bright, modern spaces. In the process, we play a key part in strengthening and renewing communities.
Transforming properties and neighbourhoods is about more than just improving how properties look - inside and out. We create places people want to live by dramatically improving the quality of life for residents and generating deeper economic benefits.
Our trained Resident Liaison Officers work closely with residents throughout a project's lifecycle, ensuring they are well informed and cared for. We get involved in neighbourhood life by supporting local groups and events, and working closely with both tenants’ and residents’ associations.
We work with clients to access funding streams, comply with legislation, maximise the value of property portfolios and ensure our broad national expertise is applied in the most effective way at a local level.
Luton Towers
In 2020, Equans was successfully awarded the Energy Efficiency and Improvement Works contract for tower blocks owned by Luton Borough Council.
The multi-million pound project will transform the high rise blocks; making them more energy efficient and benefitting residents by lowering fuel bills and improving the overall look and feel of the estates.
Our Expertise
Working with local authorities, private sector funders and registered providers, we deliver sustainable regeneration to hundreds of communities every year.
As well as upgrading and maintaining homes for local people, we also build, refurbish and maintain education and community facilities across the country.