Press Release

Pioneering EV scheme celebrates driving down carbon emissions

• Equans and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority have installed more than 85 free to use EV chargers across the region
• Over 2,164 tonnes of CO2 have been saved since the scheme launched
• West Yorkshire now boasts the highest number of rapid EV chargers across any county in the UK

A Genie Point EV charger
“ We’re committed to improving the lives of people in cities and urban areas by working with local authorities to tackle air pollution. It starts with providing drivers with accessible and reliable charging points, helping to encourage and support more people in choosing a low emission vehicle. “Equans is passionate about succeeding in the mission to reduce emissions and so we were delighted to be in a position where we could actively invest in the scheme and provide free miles as further incentive. “The West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s bold ambition should be a driving force for other local authorities across the country who are looking to protect the health of their residents and work towards a carbon neutral future.” ”
Dee Humphries Managing Director of EV Solutions at Equans UK & Ireland
“ Here in West Yorkshire, we’re committed to becoming a net zero carbon economy by 2038 at the latest, and installing electric vehicle charging points is one of the ways we will deliver on that promise. “We know one of the barriers to people making the switch to an electric car is knowing where they can charge their vehicles and I’m proud that our region has the highest number of rapid charging points outside of London. “But there are many other obstacles and that’s why we’re continuing to call on the Government to go further. ”
Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe Leader of Bradford Council and Chair of West Yorkshire Transport Committee
An Equans engineer in the plant room with clipboard