Press Release
Equans and Mina launch integrated home, workplace and public charging solution for business fleet operators
New partnership will combine Mina’s software with Equans’ charging technology
Enables business fleet owners to pay for employees at-home electric vehicle (EV) charging costs with one simple accurate solution
The agreement provides Equans with the ability to transform the way businesses manage the payments for charging their EV fleets, by removing the barrier of employees having to expense their charging costs.

“ We are pleased to be partnering with Mina, a business who shares our values of service and innovation, to enable us to offer a first-class fleet solution for customers. “At Equans, our goal is to ensure that businesses who are looking to switch their fleet to EVs have the support they need to make the transition easy. Mina’s unique solution takes away the administrative burden from drivers and fleet managers. Through the partnership, our customers’ employees can charge their vehicle at home, at their workplace or at a GeniePoint public charger and be billed with one single invoice each month.” ”
“ We’re delighted to be helping Equans accelerate their transition to EV and achieve their goal of net-zero. We all know how incredibly important it is to ensure future generations can survive on our planet, and we’re excited to be working with Equans to support home charging for both them and their customers. ”
About Equans
Equans is a market leader in the sector with 74,000 employees leveraging 200 years of expertise. With revenues of €12 billion, Equans is present in 17 countries - mostly across Europe, but also with significant interests in North America, Latin America and Australia.
In the UK & Ireland, Equans is a provider of technical, FM, regeneration and energy services – with specialist capabilities in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables.