Press Release

“ This is an exciting step forward in this project and I’m pleased we now have a contractor on board. “This is part of our ongoing programme to provide better sheltered housing accommodation for our tenants, building on our successes in nearby schemes and I look forward to seeing the work get underway. “Thank you to the tenants who have moved out temporarily while these works are being carried out, when they return, they will certainly reap the benefits this project brings.” ”
Councillor Laura Taylor-Childs Cabinet member for housing and community services
“ The refurbishment work will dramatically improve the quality of life for residents by providing a safe, warm and modern space to call home. By improving internal layouts and adding bathrooms to each flat, we will create a greater sense of independence and privacy that will allow residents to feel much more comfortable. “The two properties were built in the mid-1980s and currently provide supported housing in a total of 79 one-bedroom flats and communal living areas for people aged 55 or over. ”
Paul Bingham Regional Director at Equans UK & Ireland
An Equans engineer in the plant room with clipboard